Like most other cities, Winnipeggers really enjoy their restaurants and night life. The Covid crisis has left us social distancing, with many people wondering when it is going to end. We have been allowed a pause, some time to reconnect with ourselves and maybe do some things we have never had time for. It is important to do your part in lessening the curve by staying home, so we can hopefully get back to normal this summer. But now people are running out of things on their “to do” list. Luckily the weather is warming up, which means you can now get outside. Here is a list of indoor and outdoor activities to do while social distancing this spring:

1. Try bike riding, rollerblading, running or just plain old walking. If it is a nice day out, why not get some fresh air and exercise at the same time. Keeping safe distances of course.

2. Do an outdoor workout. I am sure your indoor gym is great, but the fresh air while you’re getting your sweat on might be a nice change. You can also bring equipment outside into your backyard.

3. Have a bonfire. Roast some marshmallows and make a couple of smores or even try hot dogs. Warming up by the fire and enjoying the stars makes for a nice evening.

4. Join an online workout group, class or fitness group to stay motivated. Or try yoga, stretching and or meditation to help with stress.

5. Improve your skills. Learn a new language or musical instrument. Increase your knowledge base by taking an online class or doing some research.

6. Do some online networking via LinkedIn. With most people being stuck working from home, LinkedIn interactions have increased. Learn about what is happening in the professional world. Communicate and network with professionals. Search for interesting companies and make great new connections.

7. Have a nice dinner/date. Cook a meal and set up the presentation nicely. Or even support a local business by ordering food online. Open a bottle of wine, place some music. Have a picnic outside! Surprise someone you are isolating with.

8. Organize your room, photos, workspace. This always de-stresses me and makes me feel more productive.

9. Work on finding your dream job, or dream business. Do you have a goal you have always wished you had time to achieve? This is the time to work on it.

10. Have a spa night. Take a bath, use a face mask and paint your nails. Spoil yourself and relax.

xx Mik

Rollerblading in St. Vital Park. Things to do while social distancing.

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